Annual Fund
A gift to the annual fund provides critical support to every aspect of the museum's programs and operations. The Annual Fund ensures that our experiential education programs for children and young adults continues, lectures take place, collections and buildings are maintained, and that all our visitors have a memorable experience.
Consider making a significant and lasting financial contribution to the museum. Gifts to the museum ensure its ability to maintain its tradition of excellence. Many planned giving options provide financial benefits to the donor that far exceed the value of the actual contribution. The Internal Revenue Service provides generous incentives for charitable gifts made through estate planning. Some of these gifts can provide lifetime income to the donor (or others) while generating charitable deductions from income and capital gains taxes.
It is best to consult with an attorney or estate planner to explore all of the options and benefits available. Some of the more common planned giving tools include:
~ Gifts of Cash
~ Bequests
~ Gifts of Appreciated Securities
~ Charitable Lead Trusts
~ Gifts of Real Estate
~ Gifts of Life Insurance
Many employers such as John Hancock, National Grid, and Verizon have matching gift programs for both employees and retirees that will help maximize your gift. Ask if your company offers a matching gifts program and find out what the requirements are.
A commemorative gift demonstrates both your commitment to the person remembered and your interest in supporting the work of the museum. The individual or family will be notified of your generosity. Birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings provide the perfect opportunity to make a donation in honor of special people. The individual or happy couple will be notified of your generosity. The museum will contact the family of the deceased about memorial gifts. The amount of the contribution remains confidential.
Hull Lifesaving Museum | P.O. Box 221, 1117 Nantasket Avenue, Hull, MA 02045 | (781) 925-5433